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PCBite Clones

PCBite Clones


This was just a quick project I decided to add here because I find them very useful for a variety of things. Design files and more information can be found here on my Thingiverse page. 

I originally saw the PCBites featured on an EEVBlog2 episode. I thought these were a really good idea and was contemplating getting some, that is until I saw the price. I decided to try and make my own for cheap and make it available to anyone in my same conundrum. The original is undoubtedly better in probably every respect, but I was able to make these within an hour from start of design to end product and it was almost completely free.


The design was pretty simple, I just needed to make something spring up and clamp onto the top part. I designed a sort of "plunger" and a slot for it to slide into, and put a spring under it to give it the snappiness. I added magnetic tape to the bottom of it to try and make it more similar to the original, but that tape was pretty weak for this application.


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